
THCV: Beyond Fasting

Everyone has heard about THC and CBD and some of the many effects these cannabinoids have to offer. From stimulating appetite, boosting creativity, and pain reduction to high blood pressure and short-term memory impairment, there’s a wide range of effects that cannabinoids confer to those who consume them.

And if you’ve read our other post on THCV, you’ll know about its craving-blocking anti-munchie power and how it can help you stick to intermittent fasting.

But what about all of THCV’s other effects? The body contains cannabinoid receptors that influence specific states of body and mind when cannabinoids bind to them.

The receptors are classified as CB1, located in the brain, stomach, and nervous system, and CB2 receptors are found primarily in the immune system. Cannabinoids bind to these receptors to create specific effects.

While there are over 100 different cannabinoids, some are more influential than others. Today the discussion will focus on THCV, its effects on cannabinoid receptors, and how individuals can harness THCV’s benefits through Citravarin, an isolated THCV adaptogen.

The Science of THCV

When ingested, cannabinoids bind to cannabinoid receptors throughout the body to produce effects such as appetite stimulation and euphoria. However, different cannabinoids bind to these receptors in different ways. Let’s look at two: THC, and THCV.

THC has its effects by activating cannabinoid receptors called “CB1” and “CB2.” It essentially turns these receptors on, creating the variety of psychoactive effects it’s known for producing.

Alternatively, THCV is a cannabinoid receptor “neutral antagonist.” In other words, it binds to the same receptors as THC but instead of activating them, it blocks them.

This antagonism might imply that THCV simply dulls other cannabinoids without contributing its own effects. Quite the contrary! While this mechanism does apply during the entourage effect or the synergist effect of multiple cannabinoids at once, the neutral antagonistic mechanism of THCV shows promising results in isolation.

For Example, THCV fasting is an excellent application of THCV in isolation. The cannabinoid causes an “anti-munchie effect,” making it easier to stick to a fast. This application of THCV without other cannabinoids makes isolated products like Temper Citravarin great ways to stay healthy.

While the research for other THCV applications is still in the early stages, promising studies indicate that THCV can positively influence health in a variety of ways.

Blood Sugar Control

One of the many benefits of intermittent fasting is the ability to control blood sugar. But can THCV contribute to glycemic control?

The University of Nottingham, U.K. studied cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) and their effects on blood sugar and lipids in a randomized, double-blind study on 62 people with type two diabetes. For those with elevated levels of blood sugar and lipids, THCV significantly reduced these markers over 13 weeks. It also improved HOMA, a measure of pancreatic function for type two diabetics.

“In this clinical study, . . . THCV improved glycemic control and therefore warrants further investigation in this therapeutic area.
Jardoon et al (2016)

Anxiety and Stress

Another placebo-controlled, double-blind pilot study from King’s College, U.K., evaluated THCV’s psychological and physiological effects on human volunteers. THCV protected against psychotic symptoms, lowered heart rate, paranoia, and short-term memory.

Basically, as a CB1 neutral antagonist, THCV curbs many of the effects that THC promotes, offering it as a healthy alternative to THC without many of the adverse side effects.

Bone Health

Recently scientists discovered that cannabinoid receptors modulate bone formation and resorption and exist throughout bone marrow cells in the body. Further research from the Unversity of Edinburgh, U.K. indicates that several cannabinoids, and THCV especially, work with these receptors to stimulate bone marrow growth and tissue turnover, helping to slow and prevent bone degradation. Scientists suspect that THCV does this by blocking the endocannabinoid CB1 receptor.  Other CB1 blockers reduce or eliminate menopause-associated bone loss.

“(THCV) [has] been reported to stimulate bone nodule formation, collagen production, and alkaline phosphatase activity in cultures of bone marrow stromal cells.”
Idris, et al (2005)

Smoking Cessation

New research from the National Institute on Drug Abuse offers promising applications of THCV for smoking cessation. The study was done on mice and found that when nicotine-addicted rodents were given THCV, they consumed significantly less nicotine. Further, when addicted mice were forced to quit cold turkey with THCV supplementation, those mice were 90% less likely to relapse. This and further studies offer potent avenues into healthy alternatives to curbing additions.


The University of Reading, U.K., evaluated the effects of THCV on epileptic mice. It found that when brain hyperexcitation occurred in these mice, THCV “significantly reduced burst complex incidence and the amplitude and frequency of paroxysmal depolarizing shifts (PDSs).”

Basically, THCV served as an anticonvulsant and lessened the effects of seizure activity in epileptic mice.

Another study in the British Journal of Pharmacology by C Garcia et al. looked at THCV’s effects on mice with Parkinson’s Disease and discovered that THCV delayed disease progression and eased symptoms of Parkinson’s. These effects come from THCV’s potent anti-inflammatory properties when binding to CB2 receptors. THCV may also help lessen tremors and brain lesions in patients with Alzheimer’s, although research with human volunteers is still in progress.

Skin Health

Similar to reports of focus, the evidence of skin health-benefits from THCV is anecdotal and, while overwhelmingly positive, is from self-reports posted online. These reports note the decrease of psoriasis and acne with THCV and an overall improvement in skin quality.

One proposed mechanism for this health benefit is THCV’s anti-inflammatory properties. In research published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, Bolognini et al. found that THCV decreased inflammation and inflammatory pain markers in mice. This study offers promising avenues of research into THCV’s ability as an adaptogen to reduce both inflammation and pain.

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While there isn’t specific research (yet) to confirm THCV’s effect on focus and clarity of mind, anecdotal reports abound of THCV producing sharpness and mental acumen. Further, Redditors and other self-experimenters report THCV making them more “energized,” “motivated,” and “focused.”

Readers should take these results with a grain of salt, as there is no hard research to support or deny these claims. However, as a cannabinoid receptor neutral antagonist, THCV will likely promote mental clarity and insight compared to THC alone and remains a healthy alternative in the absence of THC.

Conclusion – THCV for a Healthier Lifestyle

THCV, through its effects as a neutral antagonist on cannabinoid receptors, is promising in its ability to not only help with appetite control and fasting but several other health benefits too.

While research is in the early stages, many studies indicate that THCV as an isolated compound can help with stress, focus, blood sugar control, and bone/skin health. With recent studies coming out every day, we are eagerly watching the developments of this amazing compound.

Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to find a certified, safe, and isolated THCV supplement on the market, and the options available are derived from cannabis plants. That’s why we offer Citravarin; a Temper THCV supplement isolated from citrus peel extracts that’s 100% cannabis-free.

Consult your doctor before making significant changes to your diet or introducing new supplements. Citravarin is not a cure-all, but it can go a long way to boost your goals with the proper lifestyle habits. Check out THCV Citravarin today!